ILPA Diversity in ActionWebsite Troubleshooting

Website Troubleshooting​

I’ve lost my password – how do I log in?
Click the Member Login button at the top right-hand side of the site. Then click the Lost your password? Create a new one here link. Enter your email address, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Note: Should you not receive the password reset email directly in your inbox, be sure to check your junk/spam folders as it may have been caught in your organization’s email quarantine processes.

The forgot password link didn’t work for me.
Please email notifying the ILPA team that you are experiencing login issues and include the email address that you were trying to use as it may be different from the one we have on record, and we will need to manually reset your password.

I was logged into the site and when I came back later in the day, I was logged out again.
For security purposes, your login will remain active on the site for two hours. You will be prompted to login again after two hours have passed from your initial login.

Can the site remember who I am so I don’t need to login every time I visit?
For security purposes, we have not added this option to the website. However, many web browsers have the ability to save usernames and passwords for future use. You may be prompted to save your login information – if you are not, it’s possible that this function has been disabled by your company’s IT department for security purposes. Check with your company’s IT department for more information.

When I log in, nothing happens – I still see the login prompt at the top of the screen.
Make sure that your computer is set to accept “cookies”. Cookies are small pieces of information that the site places on your computer once you are successfully logged in. If your web browser doesn’t accept cookies, we can’t verify that you did actually log in. If you’re not sure, check with your company’s IT department – they may have disabled cookies for security purposes and can provide you with more information.

The company I work for is a member but I cannot access the website. How can I view the members only area?
To request access to the members-only area, please contact Permission from your organization’s primary contact will be required prior to access being granted and we will contact you with your login credentials upon approval.